List the names and addresses of any person to be mentioned in your Will.

Have you discussed guardianship with potential guardians?

Think about cherished items like jewellery, collections or christening gowns that you might like to pass down through a particular side of the family.

Think about assets that form part of your estate such as property, shares, premium bonds, pension rights and insurance policies. Make a list of all the documents you wish to be recorded.

In your completed Will you will have stated:

...    Your name and date of birth.

...     Who you have appointed to ensure your Will is adhered to (your executor) and distribute your estate in accordance with your wishes.

...    Who you have appointed to hold your assets (your Trustee) until they can be distributed by your executor (can be the same person).

...    If you have minor children, who will be their guardians and the trustees of the assets they inherit.

...    Who will receive specific items or bequests of money.

...    How the remainder of your estate will be dealt with.

...    How gifts to beneficiaries are dealt with if they die before you.

...    Whether you wish any parts of your body to be used to help someone else.

...    You instructions regarding your desired funeral arrangements.