BlueNavtex2 Privacy and Data statement: Goldhill Services 30/10/2021
The BlueNavtex2 app functions as a user interface to the Nasa Marine Ltd BT3 Navtex wireless receiver hardware via a short-range Bluetooth Low Energy (BTLE) wireless link.
The app does not collect, access or transfer any personal user data of any kind, including location data..
The data displayed by the app consists of public marine safety messages received and stored by the BT3 VHF receiver hardware. These are not retained by the app once the link to the receiver is released.
The requirement for location permission is a function of the Bluetooth (BTLE) system and no location data is used or accessed by the app.
The BlueNavtex2 app does not interface to any other non-system app, and does not access the web except potentially for expanded user help purposes.
Storage of data within the app is limited to the personalised name of the BT3 hardware device, and certain status parameters associated with the management of the BT3.
Security is provided by means of a 4 character PIN preventing a third party without access to the BT3 hardware from accessing personalised settings.